Evolution, Revolution, of IT
The Evolution of IT and Echo systems! Part 1 - History (or how the government accidentally did a good thing.) Chris Smith - Tech Doctor and Wiz Kid (OK, I used to be a kid) 6/9/2014 - Wheaton, IL. - Over the last 25+ years in the computer industry, I have witnessed many new technologies, strategies, mind shifts, tech revolutions and marketing schemes to file a multi- petabyte database. I am so old, I remember the first Year of the LAN back n the late 1980's. This was when the acceleration to the rate of Moore's Law really started on a vertical trajectory. IBM was the king of computing and they would probably still be today had it not been for the Anti-Trust cases of the 1970's. A little known company named Microsoft was then allowed to become the largest software company in the world by providing the Operating System (DOS) to IBM and striking a deal that created licensing versus ownership. This was the first really big "revolution" to happen...